Thursday, April 30, 2009

A lot to do!!!! school also very tired...
So many things to think...haiz
Interact got LOADS of stuff to do....

List of things I have to think and do:
1. Think of a new design and idea for the coco fusion shirt
2. Think of how the is design of the banner of coco fusion
-other than splat, I dunno wat can relate to coco fusion
3. Think of what is the best food for 30 hour famine to eat at the closing session
-No oily food, plus after famine sure ppl cannot eat much
4. Kid's Carnival which is coming up
- What costume to wear? A teddy bear? idea
5. Go green project
-money how? our own money leh...
-where to find a piece of wood to draw the welcome signboard?
-how to arrange the plants in a nice way?
-are we going to use tyre?
-Where to find fake stuff lyk butterflies and birds to decorate?
-Will the rain wash away the soil of the plants as it is at the blocany?
6. EXAM!!!!
- I dun hav to list this as everyone noe is a lot

Wow, I got praised yesterday during the Interact
It's kinda weird
I never get praised before on my work bcos Im so lazy
You noe why? Cos when joy(person incharge) ask us to write the ideas for 30 hour famine games
I wrote 8
Well, it's not bcos Im rajin, I juz want it to b fun!!!

Im sori if u dun lyk my tagged answer, I'll edit it if u want me to ok? I din reali mean it, juz joking - YS

I want to go to school man!!!
I dun wan to miss my club and society!!!!

Sori sori sori, ok?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tagged by Yu Yin

Rules and regulation of the tag ;All 21 people must do unless you don't have a blog.Write the names of 16 friends you can think of in your head.And then answer the questions,Say you're guessing if you don't know,but at least guess on all of them.After doing this, tag your 21 "lucky" friends to do the same
1. Min Yi
2. Hui Yi
3. Wei Shan
4. Sin Ying
5. Yon Sheng
6. Wee Cherng
7. Stan
8. Ding Sheng
9. Adrian
10. Laura
11. Jonathan
12. Deborah
13. Zhi Yang
14. Jason Liew
15. Yu Yin
16. Caleb
17. Khai Yuen
18. Joey
19. Ruorong
20. Becky
21. Vern Kit

1. How did you meet 7?
He same class wif me when F1

2. What would you do if you and 15 had never met?
I will feel

3. What would you do if 20 and 1 dated? frens are not lesbians

4. Have you seen 17 cried?

5. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple?
Nope, both of them are guys..

6. Do you think 11 is attractive?

7. What is 2's favourite colour?
I think is

8. When was the last time you talked to 9?
Today, during the interact meeting

9. What language does 8 speaks?
Chinese and English

10. Who is 13 going out with?

11. Would you ever date 17 ?
Nope. Im not a lesbian either. :)

12. Where do 18 live?
somewhere far from where I live ^^

13. What is the best thing about 4?
She's hardworking

14. What would you like to tell 10 right now ?
Hey monitor of 4M. lol

15. What is the best thing about 20?
She's tall and nice to talk to

16. Have you ever kiss 2?
For the last time, Im not lesbian!!!! lol XD

17. What is the best memory you have of 5?
Im best but Everyday bully ppl...hehex
ok is he teach me add maths

18. When's the next time you're going to see 4?
Nxt Monday.

19. How is 7 different from 6?
7 is a nice to talk to person but 6 is annoying person XD jkjk...6 is quite nice sometimes

20. Is 2 pretty?
Duh...she's my fren yo!

21. What was your 1st impression of 15?
Wow, she's the 1st person who talk to me when I have my 1st set teaching class on 23 of March 2006, she is a friendly person :)

22. How did you meet 3?
In school? 1P?

23. Is 5 your best friend?
Hmmm?? Mayb?

24. Do you hate 12?
NOOO!!! She's such a pleasant girl!!!

25. Have you seen 18 in the last month?
Yea. I see her everyday.

26. When was the last time you saw 16?
Today in school ^^

27. Have you been to 5's house?

28. When's the next time you'll see 10?
Nxt Monday, she got monitor installation

29. Are you close to 11?
Not reali, he hardly talk to each other

30. Have you been to the movies with 4?
I dun think so...dun remember...

31. Have you gotten in trouble with 8?
Nope. But if 5 n 6, YEA!!

32. Would you give 19 a hug?
I think so.

33. When have you lied to 3?
I dunno...who remember when u lie..?

34. Is 11 good at socializing?
I think he is. He got tonnes of

35. Do you know a secret about 8?

36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 18.
12- my class monitor^^
18- my bball buddy :)

37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9?
Ummmm....none? I dunno

39. Have you ever had a crush on 12?

40. How long have you known 2?
Long enough to be frens forever :)

41. Does 11 have any girlfriend / boyfriend?
Nope, I dont think so

42. Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face?
For what? U think I suicide izit?

43. Has 21 meet your parents?
Of cos!!

44. How did you meet 11?
I guess is when I scolded Chin Xian when I was F1 and he stop the quarrel in class or mayb CS?

45. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3?
I dun think so...

46.Do you live close to 7?
YEA!!! VERY VERY CLOSE. He is juz nxt

47. What is 8's favourite food?
Dunno, I'll ask her tomorrow.

48. What kind of car does 1 have?
A green car, I saw it when her mum fetch her

49. Have you traveled anywhere with 9?
Did he go to the CKS school trip? If he did, then yes.

50. If you give 14 a $100 , What would she / he spend it on?
Sure he go and throw into the sea and feed the fish
" Here fishie fishie, come and eat the money then you will be rich..." lol ^^

Yay!! I finish alr!!!

Posted on
29 April 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Yer!!! Why my bro lyk dat one!!!
I typed such a long blog alr about i bcome happy alr ...
Then he go n play his stupid game!!!
Den got the internet error report!!!
All the things I type lost alr!!!!
I was happy and now..
Im pissed man...
I feel lyk slapping him on face
I cant express my angriness!!!!
Urgh!! uRGH!!!! Urgh!!!!
I feel lyk slamming the basketball!!!
You noe how long I took to type about my hapiness?
STUPID lil brother!!!!
I guess i'll find another time to type about it.

Im so lazy to retype cos it's super duper long...
I wont retype...
I'll continue where I stop
If interested to noe the upper part...ask me in person
lol ^^ it is...continue
On Friday, everyone went to the hall for the honour day rehearsal.
Nearly everyone in BM Club is going ( I mean the form 4s)
Our club only got 5 form 5s (4 guy 1 girl)
All f4 went except some(5 person I guess) & 2 f5 went (1 guy 1 gurl)
At first I was the only girl in 5M
quite scary...
Then vcherng accompany me....
He is a nice guy but sometimes is quite annoying
I never talk b4 wif our president and treasurer
quite nice talking wif them
Both of them somemore compete who can touch the
Our president somemore go around and compete his height
So funny...cos the treasurer say he is shorter than that shorter than this
Then the president want to prove to the treasurer dat he is not dat short
Well, apparently, he is not dat short lah
I dunno how I bcome a judge
Judge who is taller...haha
Of cos is the president taller!!!
But the treasurer is taller than lost thought
For not being able to be taller than the treasurer...haha
When Khai Yuen come
Vcherng n me was shock!
She is a smarty!!!
She's suppose to b in the hall!!!!
Then Khai Yuen tell us why.
I think she deserve full A lorh...haiz
Vcherng go and tell the president about how smart is Khai Yuen and say dat she should get full A
Me n Khai Yuen started to do homework as all the board members gather at the teacher's table to discuss about our trip wif Mdm. Ewe
The minute I hear "Zoo Negara"
I burst out ' NO!!!!!! NOT ZOO NEGARA AGAIN!!!'
Everyone ther look at me
I feel so embarassed
Then Vcherng n the treasurer ask me wat about Bird Park
I just look at them dunno wat to say....
Then Vcherng want bird park but the treasurer say the place is boring...
I mean bird park is going to be totally boring
Look at birds fly there fly here...very fun meh?
Zoo Negara is so much better than Bird Park
But club's trip is always boring
I have no reasons for rejecting bird park rite?
That's why I kept quiet
Oh you noe wat?
I even tell the treasurer dat I dun dare to talk to him after he say 'hey' to me
It's truth...I dun reali noe why...juz scare
He was lyk...' Why? Izit bcos I'm too tall?'
Then the president come and stand beside me and say, " U rasking her dumb questions lah...Do u expect me to go and ask ppl "am I too short?" when Im short? Look at yourself lah....I stand beside you equals to insulting my myself...' Of cos he is juz joking... And thats why they start jumping to see who can touch the ceiling and competing their heights...haiz
Oh ya, is not dat I dunno the president and the treasurer name
Juz lazy to
If u want to noe who...ask me...^^ in person, not on cbox pls

I think Sying will undstd this blog better as she is in the same club as
Wow, after finishing my story, Im happy again...YAY!!!!
Haiz...wanna sleep alr....




Posted on


Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Wow...3 post today...haha
I realize everytimes ppl will 4get about me...
I mean...anything happens...I was there but everyone seems to miss me out
Not to be emo or complain.....
I just feel...quite sad about that...
I feel so left out sometimes...
not lyk im going to say it out in school but hey, this is my blog, I can say anything I want right?
I feel so left out sometimes no matter in school, in class on in a blog....juz...left out
I feel lyk Im juz a clown in a circus, my frens come and go..All I do is tell lame jokes and make them laugh, then later when they go out of the circus...they will lyk,"who's the clown again? nvm, who cares? That clown juz make me laugh...thats all i need, the clown is not important." I try to be strong, try to put up a smile on my face everyday in school, but sometimes, deep down in my heart, I want to cry. It seems lyk I cant control my tears these days, I cry a think Hui Yi or Yon Sheng noe that....haha...I guess Im becoming a crying baby..

Im tired of being a clown now.
I want to make my frens laugh...
but cant I make them remember me in the same time??
It's so pointless typing in front of this flat screen
No one is going to read thought...haha
How pathetic I am
Sad somemore can laugh tears are coming out...
I read a story book also will cry...
wat is wrong wif me man? haiz...
who cares?
I mean who got time to care about me?
I think Im turning myself emo


NoNOno!!! Im not emo!!! Shuen Nyin, u R NOT emo. Smile. ^^ Stay strong, as u did....

Postal Quiz

Oh, I took the postal quiz yesterday. I only read the bible that^^
Just convert...
What to do??
My parents dun really noe dat I took the quiz...
They dun even agree wif me that I want to be a Christian...
1 day they will
haha =p

Sports Day is over!!

I lost every running event I took part T.T
Im such a ^^
I should have go to march past...
Dun go any field events or running events...
I shouldnt go for long jump...
And Sprain my leg...
If I havent done all this...
I might still have a chance staying in bball team....
Haiz...time passes isnt it?
Everything I want to turn back has just pass...
But nvm!!!!
Im going to make sure Im not going to make wrong choices for my life now...
Im going to try to study harder!!! >.<
I will try to attend bball training which all the h/w is holding me back!!!
I will try to get rid of my lazy bones!!!
I will try to work up with Interact which is a lot is coming up!!

Oh ya...30 Hour Famine...I wish I can jaga at night. I always cant sleep during 30 hour Famine. For 2 years!! For crying out loud!!! I attended 30 Hour Famine when i WAS f2 AND f3, I DIDNT EVEN SLEEP!!!! I stay up the whole night listening to songs and look at ppl ^^ I think if anyone wake up to drink water will get scared seeing me staying up ^^ HANTU!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!! He is Alive!!!

I want to go to the Calvary church thingie!!! Haiz....parents dun let....
How I wish I can folo Deborah....
Probably now she's starts at 8pm
now 7.57pm alr...
Im getting use to pray everytimes b4 my meals
Still...sometimes I pray after I eat...hehex...forgotten
I even thx God for giving me breathe everyday...
Thx Him 4 not taking my life away out of sudden....
I want to dedicate a song to God since I cant go to church...

Only You
How could I live without you
How could I survive
Without your love
Without your heart
You're the one who heals me
Cleanses my heart
And set me free

I'll stand here before you
With my hand lifted up
As I humbly bow at your work at the cross
As you hung there and die you were paying the price
For my life for my life

Only you
Is heavy than the Heaven
Deeper than the sea
All I want is you in my life
No one else
Can satisfied my soul
Make me feel this way
Only you Lord
Only you.....


How many times have I broken your heart
But still you forgive
If only I ask
And how many times have you heard me pray
Draw near to me
And everything I need
Is you
My beginning my forever
And everything I need
Is you Is you

Jesus, he can move the mountain
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Forever, author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave

Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
Within your mighty hand
When the oceans cries and thunder roars
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are King over the flood
I will be still know You are God

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about you
It's all about you Jesus
Im sorry Lord for the things that I've made it
When it's all about you
It's all about you Jesus

So here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that, You're my God
You're all together lovely
All together worthy
All together wonderful to me

How Great, is our God
Sing with me How Great, is our God
And all will see how Great, how Great, is our God

Hosanna, Hosanna
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna, Hossanna
Hosanna in the highest

Rain down on me
Rain down on me
Here is your presence I am free
Pour down like rain
Come and touch me again
Lord have your presence fall on me


Wish everyone
Happy Easter!!!
Nothing about chocolate
Easter bunny!!!! >.<>

Sunday, April 5, 2009

IU Day vs IR Day

Many ppl say IU Day is sad...he put all our hard work on it....sigh*
They cant blame us...our theme hav a limit choice
We only can choose country..
Various IR Day can choose ANY theme
Their theme is heros.
I like their sketch!! So funny!! ^^
But I think our dance is better than theirs...
dunno leh...ours seems to b more professional..and theirs is fun type one...
IU Day is too serious, I think...dats why everyone so nervous
IR Day seems like everyone in Leo is enjoying instead of afraid that they will do something wrong..they do things according the way they want...dats the best part...
I dun blame Interact...I noe madam wants the best and perfect one only...but this really make us scared and nervous. But still...WE DID IT!!! At least everything go according to plan!! >.<
Poor Leo...their laptop no more battery....but their sovenier is so cool!!! I hope I got

My heart and soul are still in the CF Camp!!! Oh my gosh, pls come back my dear soul, pls come back my dear heart...I need both of you in my studies and homework!!!! I even need you for running!!! I fell down on Friday bcos I didnt see ppl in front of me and knock them!!! See wat hav you done to me!!!!

Yay!!! XD Yellow house won for Tug-0f-War!!! We beat blue house!!! Yay!!! Yellow beat blue so easily...Its so funny...Zhuo Wei go and ask ppl in the tug-of-war team to dance banana dance!!! I think dats a distress and victory dance for our yellow house!!!! We kept screaming BANANA! BANANA! Dats wat Zhuo Wei ask us to funny! Somemore got background music," WE ARE THE CAMPION MY FRIEND!!! WEEEE KEEP ON FIGHTING TO THE END!!! WE ARE THE CHAMPION, WE ARE THE CAMPION, NO TIME FOR LOSERS, COS WE ARE THE CHAMPIIOONN....OF THE WORLD!!!!!!" So cool!!!! >.< Yellow rocks forever!!!! No matter we win or lose!!! We still always a champion in our heart!!!! XP

Posted on
5 April 2009