Friday, May 8, 2009

Exam! + interact interview + successful green project

AAAARRR!!!! DIE LO....i mean the exam

The interview is quite scary....
I tried to answer all the question but there are 2 or 3 questions I dunno...T.T

The examples of questions asked:
What are ur choices of the post?
Comm Serv. Director and Treasurer

What quality do u think u hav to b a comm serv.?

What is the activities comm.serv. did this year?
Jogathon...(yes)umm...pusat bantuan thing? (No.) ...the...form4's friendship thing?(no) 'the ans actuali is the old folk's home thing they went this Jan but I the photos on the int. board!!!'

What quality do u think u hav to be a tresurer?
again, responsibility

What does treasurer do?
keep track on account, collect club's fund and also set budgets for the events.

Do you take account class?

Hui Ee-
What if we giv u a post of club service director instead of your choices? Will you want to be a club serv.? serv. is my 3rd choice...

Do you know what does club serv. do?

umm...incharge of the club's board, our club's blog, sell collar pins and take attendants...

And? This one is very important, you can see me doing one.
Umm...sori...i dunno (I write the reports) oh....

Shuen Nyin, u say club serv. is one of ur choice rite? If we really giv u club serv. , wat will u do?
I'll appreciate it and do my part well...

Do you want to be a secretary?

Because Im afraid dat my english is not dat gud and u all wont lyk my report...

Do you think you are capable to be a treasurer?
Ya, I think so...

Do you think you are capable to be a comm serv. ?
Ya, I think so...

Do you think you are capable to be a club serv.?
Ya, I think so...

Jon Yeoh-
Who do you think in all this candidates are capable and suite to b on board? Tell me 3 person.

Damn stupid la....
I keep saying 'ya' , 'i think so' and saying wrong stuff....haiz
The questions are not in order, suddenly this person ask, then later that one, then this one...
Im the last 2nd person went for the interview...after Deborah, b4 Kenneth
I got the photos when some of us are stressing b4 the interview...I'll post it later...

YAY!!! We finally finish our green project!!!
I think ours is the BEST!!!
Better than group 1...muahahaha!!! jkjk
Theirs is also nice...every grp put their hard work in it...^^
I took photo too!!! Post it later also...haha
I took BM Clubs photo
Our project is REALLY u all must go and see!!!!
I bought a sack of stones, all the fake animals and a wind blow got sound one....all together is around RM 97!! I sposor all this by using my May allowance!!! T.T (I din ask my mum 4 money cos she will kill now i only got RM40 to survive this month....well...Im not complaining...I willing to sponsor...and I enjoy through this knowing some of the members more....=)
Madam Norhayati was there guiding nice...I think she's a part of the project too!!! She accompanied us until lyk 5.45pm...

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