Friday, May 29, 2009

At last!!!!

Yay!!! Exam finish alr!!!!
But still....cant rest!!!!
you know why?
Bcos there is a lot of things to do!!!!
Let me tell you,

Things I have to do during the two weeks holiday:
1. Put on braces ( Rong say is not an easy process....i dunno whether 2 weeks enogh or not)
2. Do Coco Fusion banner (Very big and long!!! HELP!!!)
3. Do 6 more teacher's day bookmark (BM Club not enough....sigh...I did lyk over 20 alr lorh....)
4. Practice my piano, piano exam is coming soon!!!
5. Watch taiwanese drama!!!
6. Find sponsors for Kid's Carnival

I noe its only 6 thing but all need so many days to finish!!!! >.<

This year teacher's day prefect sketch is nice...!! lol ^^
But I still think the sketch by prefect when im form 1 is the best!!!

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