Yay!!! Exam finish alr!!!!
But still....cant rest!!!!
you know why?
Bcos there is a lot of things to do!!!!
Let me tell you,
Things I have to do during the two weeks holiday:
1. Put on braces ( Rong say is not an easy process....i dunno whether 2 weeks enogh or not)
2. Do Coco Fusion banner (Very big and long!!! HELP!!!)
3. Do 6 more teacher's day bookmark (BM Club not enough....sigh...I did lyk over 20 alr lorh....)
4. Practice my piano, piano exam is coming soon!!!
5. Watch taiwanese drama!!!
6. Find sponsors for Kid's Carnival
I noe its only 6 thing but all need so many days to finish!!!! >.<
This year teacher's day prefect sketch is nice...!! lol ^^
But I still think the sketch by prefect when im form 1 is the best!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
The stress photo!!!
TADA!!! now got 3 photo only....later got more...lol...
wait till i send to Deb's phone, then she send back to me through MSN....my phone cannot connect to comp T.T

Both of them are stress too, Kar Jin look lyk praying and Kenneth cover his face!!!

Deborah is playing with her bottle and Dhivya is trying to recall everything....
I didnt get to take Qing Wei, Ding Sheng, Zyang and Caitlin photo bcos they went for interview alr b4 I have the idea of taking pics!!! >.<
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Green Project of group 2:
We are working out on the interact sign, cool rite?
Everyone is busy...lol :)

Ivan's idea....very nice...^^

Centre part...

overall view...

from bolcany look down view...
Hanging potted plants...lol

Can u see the squirrel?

Nice rite?

Giselle and Ivan...
BM Club:
Ivan's idea....very nice...^^
Centre part...
from bolcany look down view...
Can u see the squirrel?
BM Club:
Friday, May 8, 2009
Exam! + interact interview + successful green project
AAAARRR!!!! DIE LO....i mean the exam
The interview is quite scary....
I tried to answer all the question but there are 2 or 3 questions I dunno...T.T
The examples of questions asked:
What are ur choices of the post?
Comm Serv. Director and Treasurer
What quality do u think u hav to b a comm serv.?
What is the activities comm.serv. did this year?
Jogathon...(yes)umm...pusat bantuan thing? (No.) ...the...form4's friendship thing?(no) 'the ans actuali is the old folk's home thing they went this Jan but I 4got...got the photos on the int. board!!!'
What quality do u think u hav to be a tresurer?
again, responsibility
What does treasurer do?
keep track on account, collect club's fund and also set budgets for the events.
Do you take account class?
Hui Ee-
What if we giv u a post of club service director instead of your choices? Will you want to be a club serv.?
Yea...club serv. is my 3rd choice...
Do you know what does club serv. do?
umm...incharge of the club's board, our club's blog, sell collar pins and take attendants...
And? This one is very important, you can see me doing one.
Umm...sori...i dunno (I write the reports) oh....
Shuen Nyin, u say club serv. is one of ur choice rite? If we really giv u club serv. , wat will u do?
I'll appreciate it and do my part well...
Do you want to be a secretary?
Because Im afraid dat my english is not dat gud and u all wont lyk my report...
Do you think you are capable to be a treasurer?
Ya, I think so...
Do you think you are capable to be a comm serv. ?
Ya, I think so...
Do you think you are capable to be a club serv.?
Ya, I think so...
Jon Yeoh-
Who do you think in all this candidates are capable and suite to b on board? Tell me 3 person.
-cannot tell...lol-
Damn stupid la....
I keep saying 'ya' , 'i think so' and saying wrong stuff....haiz
The questions are not in order, suddenly this person ask, then later that one, then this one...
Im the last 2nd person went for the interview...after Deborah, b4 Kenneth
I got the photos when some of us are stressing b4 the interview...I'll post it later...
YAY!!! We finally finish our green project!!!
I think ours is the BEST!!!
Better than group 1...muahahaha!!! jkjk
Theirs is also nice...every grp put their hard work in it...^^
I took photo too!!! Post it later also...haha
I took BM Clubs photo too...lol
Our project is REALLY nice.....so u all must go and see!!!!
I bought a sack of stones, all the fake animals and a wind blow got sound one....all together is around RM 97!! I sposor all this by using my May allowance!!! T.T (I din ask my mum 4 money cos she will kill me...lol) now i only got RM40 to survive this month....well...Im not complaining...I willing to sponsor...and I enjoy through this project...by knowing some of the members more....=)
Madam Norhayati was there guiding us...so nice...I think she's a part of the project too!!! She accompanied us until lyk 5.45pm...
The interview is quite scary....
I tried to answer all the question but there are 2 or 3 questions I dunno...T.T
The examples of questions asked:
What are ur choices of the post?
Comm Serv. Director and Treasurer
What quality do u think u hav to b a comm serv.?
What is the activities comm.serv. did this year?
Jogathon...(yes)umm...pusat bantuan thing? (No.) ...the...form4's friendship thing?(no) 'the ans actuali is the old folk's home thing they went this Jan but I 4got...got the photos on the int. board!!!'
What quality do u think u hav to be a tresurer?
again, responsibility
What does treasurer do?
keep track on account, collect club's fund and also set budgets for the events.
Do you take account class?
Hui Ee-
What if we giv u a post of club service director instead of your choices? Will you want to be a club serv.?
Yea...club serv. is my 3rd choice...
Do you know what does club serv. do?
umm...incharge of the club's board, our club's blog, sell collar pins and take attendants...
And? This one is very important, you can see me doing one.
Umm...sori...i dunno (I write the reports) oh....
Shuen Nyin, u say club serv. is one of ur choice rite? If we really giv u club serv. , wat will u do?
I'll appreciate it and do my part well...
Do you want to be a secretary?
Because Im afraid dat my english is not dat gud and u all wont lyk my report...
Do you think you are capable to be a treasurer?
Ya, I think so...
Do you think you are capable to be a comm serv. ?
Ya, I think so...
Do you think you are capable to be a club serv.?
Ya, I think so...
Jon Yeoh-
Who do you think in all this candidates are capable and suite to b on board? Tell me 3 person.
-cannot tell...lol-
Damn stupid la....
I keep saying 'ya' , 'i think so' and saying wrong stuff....haiz
The questions are not in order, suddenly this person ask, then later that one, then this one...
Im the last 2nd person went for the interview...after Deborah, b4 Kenneth
I got the photos when some of us are stressing b4 the interview...I'll post it later...
YAY!!! We finally finish our green project!!!
I think ours is the BEST!!!
Better than group 1...muahahaha!!! jkjk
Theirs is also nice...every grp put their hard work in it...^^
I took photo too!!! Post it later also...haha
I took BM Clubs photo too...lol
Our project is REALLY nice.....so u all must go and see!!!!
I bought a sack of stones, all the fake animals and a wind blow got sound one....all together is around RM 97!! I sposor all this by using my May allowance!!! T.T (I din ask my mum 4 money cos she will kill me...lol) now i only got RM40 to survive this month....well...Im not complaining...I willing to sponsor...and I enjoy through this project...by knowing some of the members more....=)
Madam Norhayati was there guiding us...so nice...I think she's a part of the project too!!! She accompanied us until lyk 5.45pm...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I found back old my blog!!!
Hey!!! guess wat? I found back my halfly typed blog!!! The one I'm pissed wif my bro who made the internet error and everything I typed gone!!! The blog actuali saved itself alr....lol ^^ Now u all can read....well, it's an old post tot...:
I've been emo lately...
But Im back now!!!
Shuen Nyin the lame gurl is back!!!! CHEER!!!
silence... =.=
Well, I cried on Thursday during break...a bit only ppl keep asking wat happen? wat happen? All I answer is Everthing.
I hate ppl ask me wat happen when Im sad.
It makes me cry. Luckily Becky shoo ppl away n ask them dun ask me dat question.
Thx Becky!!!
When I accompany Jie Yuen go and buy tissue... A prefect( dunno wat name, sori) ask me wat happen...
Dat make me laugh...lol...
So random...I mean, when do prefects cares?
I feel a lot more better when Catherine called out about 20 names during assembly after break
I din feel better bcos the name include me
I feel better bcos Mdm. Norhayati giv 20 of us a sudden project
I feel better bcos I dun hav the time to think the emo stuffs
The project is to make the B block top floor bolcany go NATURAL green.
She separate us into 2 group
My group is:
1. Adrian
2. Ivan
3. Ding Sheng
4. Kenneth
5. Qing Wei
6. Me
7. Khai Yuen
8. Deborah
9. Laura
10. Pei Ji
11. Giselle
NATURAL GREEN means plants rite?
We thought Interact will giv us the money
But u noe wat? We have to use our own one!!! lol ^^
The bolcany is SSSOOOO big!!! We gonna nid a lot of money...
We somemore hav to pass up the perposal on the very nxt day, Adrian is doing it... He's the head of the group...lol
I'm the secretary... Im suppose to write down everything during our meeting...
I really dunno wat is the purpose of this sudden project...
I guess mayb Mrs.Mathews require us to make school greener...but why only 20 person?
If more ppl, we can use a lot more money.... But nvm...
10 ppl can manage... At least I hope....
I get even better when Yon Sheng threaten me to spray water on me by using vcherng's bottle u noe why?
Cos I found a small stone under my table and throw on him Hit him on the head...lol
U cant blame me!!!
He spray me b4 I throw on him too!!!
Then on...
Ya...dats wer I stop...lol...this blog is continued on the 'Pissed' blog...haha...
I've been emo lately...
But Im back now!!!
Shuen Nyin the lame gurl is back!!!! CHEER!!!
silence... =.=
Well, I cried on Thursday during break...a bit only ppl keep asking wat happen? wat happen? All I answer is Everthing.
I hate ppl ask me wat happen when Im sad.
It makes me cry. Luckily Becky shoo ppl away n ask them dun ask me dat question.
Thx Becky!!!
When I accompany Jie Yuen go and buy tissue... A prefect( dunno wat name, sori) ask me wat happen...
Dat make me laugh...lol...
So random...I mean, when do prefects cares?
I feel a lot more better when Catherine called out about 20 names during assembly after break
I din feel better bcos the name include me
I feel better bcos Mdm. Norhayati giv 20 of us a sudden project
I feel better bcos I dun hav the time to think the emo stuffs
The project is to make the B block top floor bolcany go NATURAL green.
She separate us into 2 group
My group is:
1. Adrian
2. Ivan
3. Ding Sheng
4. Kenneth
5. Qing Wei
6. Me
7. Khai Yuen
8. Deborah
9. Laura
10. Pei Ji
11. Giselle
NATURAL GREEN means plants rite?
We thought Interact will giv us the money
But u noe wat? We have to use our own one!!! lol ^^
The bolcany is SSSOOOO big!!! We gonna nid a lot of money...
We somemore hav to pass up the perposal on the very nxt day, Adrian is doing it... He's the head of the group...lol
I'm the secretary... Im suppose to write down everything during our meeting...
I really dunno wat is the purpose of this sudden project...
I guess mayb Mrs.Mathews require us to make school greener...but why only 20 person?
If more ppl, we can use a lot more money.... But nvm...
10 ppl can manage... At least I hope....
I get even better when Yon Sheng threaten me to spray water on me by using vcherng's bottle u noe why?
Cos I found a small stone under my table and throw on him Hit him on the head...lol
U cant blame me!!!
He spray me b4 I throw on him too!!!
Then on...
Ya...dats wer I stop...lol...this blog is continued on the 'Pissed' blog...haha...
Friday, May 1, 2009
Today is my mum's birthday!!! lol^^
I gave her chocolates and my bro gave her a shirt.....:)
oh...and today we celebrated Mother's day wif my grandmother, aunts n uncles.
I can see all my cuzin's again!!!
Well, we went to a restoran at Selayang...
Guess what??
I saw Jamie!!!!
wow...wat a coincidience!!!
She's having lunch in the same restoran....A lot ppl...
In the restoran room....(we hav a room)
got karaoke...haha...Im the one choosing songs, ALL OF THE SONGS
I choose lyk 95% of Lee Hom songs....3% Fahrenheit(cos there no fahrenheit songs, tsk tsk)
Everyone asking, 'Why all Lee Hom one?'
Then my uncle say,' Wat can u do when the DJ is Lee Hom fans?' lol ^^
Tomorrow is Lee Hom's concert...
I wish I could go...sigh*
Today I feel so weird...
Normally got celebration we got a room and 2 table...
I always sit wif the Yap family which is Vern Kit, Chun Kit, Sher Ryl and Sher Rine...
But today, my grandma ask me to change place cos her table not much ppl...
I dun reali hav the mood tot....
I lyk the Yap family....
The truth is I lyk my Yap's cuzin A LOT.
Espeacially Vern Kit....lol
I get to sit wif him everytimes cos both of us are left-handed...^^
Every other cuzins are afraid of them...they dun dare to talk to them...dunno why...
Everytimes Im the one who talk to them...sometimes Win Nie talk to them too...
Vern Kit reali lyk to check my hp....he always say my hp boring
But still...he lyks to check out...
He almost noe all my hp content...even the parts I dun let ppl see...lol
He in school always very cool one...we hardly even talk to each other...
But he is different outside...
Idun reali talk to him in skul now bcos I hate wat happened to me last time in primary skul when I always stick around wif him...
He is so gud looking >.<>
Why am I keep praising him?...lol ^^
There is also another side of him which no one can imagine....lol...
Im not going to say cos he will kill me....I think....
At night, we went to eat Thai food at Leisure Mall there to celebrate mum's birthday
She loves Thai Food.... XD
And then...
Wat a coincidience...
I saw my cuzin Sher Rine having dinner wif her friends in the same restoran!!!! XP
My bro spot her 1st...
At 1st we tot is someone look lyk her...
We want to take a pic of the person then show my aunt...
My bro decide to go and look...
He went there and stare at her...lol
The restoran auntie ask my bro,' Looking at beautiful girls arh?'
My bro shocked and faster say is his cuzin...hahaha...
Sher Rine didnt spot us until when she want to go back....
She's shocked, too. ^^
Posted on
Friday, 1 May 2009
I gave her chocolates and my bro gave her a shirt.....:)
oh...and today we celebrated Mother's day wif my grandmother, aunts n uncles.
I can see all my cuzin's again!!!
Well, we went to a restoran at Selayang...
Guess what??
I saw Jamie!!!!
wow...wat a coincidience!!!
She's having lunch in the same restoran....A lot ppl...
In the restoran room....(we hav a room)
got karaoke...haha...Im the one choosing songs, ALL OF THE SONGS
I choose lyk 95% of Lee Hom songs....3% Fahrenheit(cos there no fahrenheit songs, tsk tsk)
Everyone asking, 'Why all Lee Hom one?'
Then my uncle say,' Wat can u do when the DJ is Lee Hom fans?' lol ^^
Tomorrow is Lee Hom's concert...
I wish I could go...sigh*
Today I feel so weird...
Normally got celebration we got a room and 2 table...
I always sit wif the Yap family which is Vern Kit, Chun Kit, Sher Ryl and Sher Rine...
But today, my grandma ask me to change place cos her table not much ppl...
I dun reali hav the mood tot....
I lyk the Yap family....
The truth is I lyk my Yap's cuzin A LOT.
Espeacially Vern Kit....lol
I get to sit wif him everytimes cos both of us are left-handed...^^
Every other cuzins are afraid of them...they dun dare to talk to them...dunno why...
Everytimes Im the one who talk to them...sometimes Win Nie talk to them too...
Vern Kit reali lyk to check my hp....he always say my hp boring
But still...he lyks to check out...
He almost noe all my hp content...even the parts I dun let ppl see...lol
He in school always very cool one...we hardly even talk to each other...
But he is different outside...
Idun reali talk to him in skul now bcos I hate wat happened to me last time in primary skul when I always stick around wif him...
He is so gud looking >.<>
Why am I keep praising him?...lol ^^
There is also another side of him which no one can imagine....lol...
Im not going to say cos he will kill me....I think....
At night, we went to eat Thai food at Leisure Mall there to celebrate mum's birthday
She loves Thai Food.... XD
And then...
Wat a coincidience...
I saw my cuzin Sher Rine having dinner wif her friends in the same restoran!!!! XP
My bro spot her 1st...
At 1st we tot is someone look lyk her...
We want to take a pic of the person then show my aunt...
My bro decide to go and look...
He went there and stare at her...lol
The restoran auntie ask my bro,' Looking at beautiful girls arh?'
My bro shocked and faster say is his cuzin...hahaha...
Sher Rine didnt spot us until when she want to go back....
She's shocked, too. ^^
Posted on
Friday, 1 May 2009
Strongly Protest
I'm not evil!!!!!
I'm not I'm not I'm not!!!
You are the evil one yon sheng!!!!
Strongly protest: IM NOT EVIL!!!
Sure you will lose cos i still got min yi, hui yi, wei shan, becky, Sin Ying, Pick Sun, Ruorong, Zhuang Yui, Khai Yuen...all my frens support me...lol^^
I'm not I'm not I'm not!!!
You are the evil one yon sheng!!!!
Strongly protest: IM NOT EVIL!!!
Sure you will lose cos i still got min yi, hui yi, wei shan, becky, Sin Ying, Pick Sun, Ruorong, Zhuang Yui, Khai Yuen...all my frens support me...lol^^
Water war!!!
Venue: in class
Time: out of sudden
VS Between: me, VCherng n Yon Sheng
By using: Nike bottle
xD Lame rite....lol ^^
Time: out of sudden
VS Between: me, VCherng n Yon Sheng
By using: Nike bottle
xD Lame rite....lol ^^
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