Emily finally did her presentation today!! :D
We had of EALD class in room 2.16 again. (Due to A-Levels examination, we only use room 2.15 and room 2.16 until next Thursday)
Emily was nervous, haha. Manstanue's group and Sya's group did their presentation today too.
Before EALD class start, Wei Min played with my iTouch and he broke my high score again!!
But I manage to break his till 10k + whrn I played in my mum's office.
Anyway, now only left Daniel's group now. After EALD class, we didn't go out to eat. All of them need to study for PL. These are the pictures taken in the canteen (:

After eating, Emily, Galvin and Vee Shain went to library to study. I went to room 2.16 for my EALD group meeting. We need to search about freedom in Australia and present it on next week. My group consist of Li Wey, Manstanue, Qi Hao, Wei Min, Huang Lei and me.

You can see Emily there because that picture is taken after our meeting. She just came from the library. After that, we went back to room 2.15 for Accounts class. Amazingly, Vee Shian didn't fall asleep today. I went to my mum's office immediately after the class which is 11.30am. Emily, Carmen, Vee Shian and Galvin went for community service after their PL test. Later, they went for lunch at an Indian temple. All the food in the temple is veggie. Whoever eats there can pay any amount of money to eat the vegetarian buffet. You can even pay 10cents. They don't really like the food there though. They told me that the food is yucky. I'm not sure about that because I wasn't there. That's all what happened today (:
Anyong (:
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