My dad just gave me 2 options.
1. Study in New Zealand for 3 years
2. Study in Monash here and he'll buy me a new car
I guess I'll apply for both Uni and decide later on.
At first my dad wanted me to go New Zealand because he thinks that I can improve my English there and can be more independent.
But later on, he suddenly worry that I might work there or get married there and will not come back to Malaysia.
He kept asking me questions this morning in KLCC about whether will I get a married there or work there.
He even wanted to skip the NZ edu fair this morning because he says he wants to reconsider.
I got angry and kind of make him to bring me to the edu fair.
After the edu fair, we went to see Monash.
Then he brought me to see cars.
I want Hyundai Accent but my mum ask me to get i10.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that I can get Accent if I manja my dad but I think it's better for me to just listen to my mum.
Monash is so far away so I tell my dad that I want to stay at the hostel if I study there but he don't allow.
He scared I might learn bad things from others XD
That's what contributed him the idea of getting me a car :P
I have no idea what I want.
There're reasons why I want to stay and there're also many reasons why I want to go NZ.
GAH!!! I guess I'll only decide this if both uni accepts me.
For now, I should study hard and get good grades.
Please help me oh Lord. I hope both uni will accept me.