CF Camp is so fun!!! The best part I like is praise and worship & games. We stay up very I sleep 3 hours only...Cos me and Jamie went down to the dorm and talk wif Jason Liew and Chris Greenall. On Sat, I slept 3-4 hours. I sleep until 7.15am!!! We are suppose to wake up at 6.ooam!!! Im late for the Quiet time and end up have to do banana dance!!! Well, we couldnt wake up bcos we played Sign the whole night until 3am!!! At first some of us only..( Jason, Jamie, Shannen, Gwen, Stan, me, Sin Ying, Deborah, Ruorong, Kai Sin and Yen Wen. Later, got more ppl come and play which is Jon Yeoh, Zhuo Wei, Joshua and more. It's so nice!! We even play in bus when we are on the way back to school!! I converted myself into christian alr. Well, I dunno how to explain how I convert but I can say is a guy do some praying 4 me alone. We played something call Guardian Angel and Mortal. Everyone hav a mortal and guardian angel. We hav to pick a name in an envelope. I got Shannen!!! She suspect is me bcos when I send a note to her, she recognize my words...sad...(we arent suppose to let ppl noe who their guardian angel is) I change my hand writting and she confused. I ask Chris to send her a gud nite msg for me to her and she say she knew is me bcos she saw me talking to Chris a lot...
sigh* nvm...I gave her 45 chocolates, chewing gums and a potato chips. A lot rite? My GA gave me sweets, chocolate, and even breakfast!! I didnt eat cos when I woke up at 5am, I ate Chips More. Sorry my dear GA. She gave me notes asking me to smile always and cheerio?? I dunno why...but yea...Im happy....^^ I really love this I wish this camp wont end...nxt yeat not the same anymore cos Joshua, Jon and Zhuo Wei wont b there anymore...T.T
IU day is tomorrow. We had rehearsals for 2 days. Madam Norhayati said dat my work is Form 1 work on Mon and I hav to redo T.T not me only...some also kena...I think every1 in info. group have to redo except for Jon. Lucky him, he didnt come dat day..everyone want to strangle him... lol..^^ tomorrow is the big day. Scare lah...Wat if anything goes wrong? I hope everything goes according to plan. Lets pray to God dat tomorrow will be a fine. It seems dat not many of my friends coming for IU Day...T.T We put all our hard work in leh...haiz...some say boring and interested more in Leo....nvm...I believe Interact is always the best!! =p Why do it on Wed? Wed so many ppl got tuition...haiz...
My mum is going Penang. My dad is overseas. Im going to stay at Vern Kit's hse.. AGAIN!!
So many times alr I sleep there...nvm...^^ I can ask them how to do my hw. Wat a bad choice of day for my mum to go Penang, I got oral, scrap book, bla bla bla to do and yet Im at my cousin's hse. So mafan.
I think dats all 4 now.
April Fool is 2moro also!!! Hehehe....>< watch out my friends
Posted on
31 March 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
What is your salad dressing of choice?
I dont long as it is nice =p
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
Coffee Beans
What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?
Mc Donald's
What are your pizza toppings of choice?
What's the last movie you saw in cinema?
I forgot but I remember is with Yon Sheng, VCherng, Dhiran, Dhivya, Wei Shan & Ruorong
Do you smile often?
Yeap. Even without any reasons... lol :p
1) Do you always answer your phone?
Not really. I always got miss call. I dunno why whenever Chris call, I left my phone else where...sad...
2) It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Mariko asking me to borrow her pjk pants???
3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
Purple or blue...^^ both are my favourite colour
4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
Umm...I dunno...Sonic? I only know Sonic and the Hedgedog
5) Do you own a digital camera?
Yea. I like it a lot but dun really use it.
6) Have you ever had a pet fish?
7) Favorite Christmas song?
All. Since all is nice. I think I like Silent night
8) What's on your wish list for your birthday?
Shhh....!!!! Secret
9) Can you do push ups?
Yeap. Basketball sometimes need to do, girls dun do that often also actually
10) Can you do a chin up?
Chin up? If it means by lifing our chin up, everyone can rite?
11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
Depress. Bcos I dun wan to grow up so fast!!! How I wish I'll stay in F4 forever.
12) Do you have any saved texts?
Yea. They are important. :)
13) Ever been in a car wreck?
Nope. And I never want to try 1
14) Do you have an accent?
I dun think so....
15) What is the last song to make you cry?
umm...I think is Lee Hom songs- Forever love...but that was so long ago
16) Plans tonight?
Planning about how am I going to finish up all my hw tomorrow...2moro morning 6 I have to pray 4 my grandfather who passed away last year on November too...
17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
What's that?
18) Name 3 things you bought in the last week
food from canteen? last week rite? If this week I only rent a costume 4 IU Day with Deborah, Sying, Chris & Jon Lee
19) Have you ever been given roses?
Nope. I dun reali like flowers either.
20) Current worry?
BM Oral. School hw. Oh...and my earphones which left in Donaven's hse....I need it!!!
21) Current hate right now?
School holiday hw
22) Met someone who changed your life?
23) How did you bring in the New Year!
Sad. Bcos grandfather pass away & we cant celebrate. But happy to see my cousins in Penang.
24) What song represents you?
Fahrenheit- Wei Ni Chun Zai & Lee Hom- Xin Tiao
25) Name three people who might complete this?
Win Nie, Xi-Zhe and someone.
26) What were you doing at 12 AM last night
Reading story book
27) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Oh NO!! Tuition!!!!
28) Who was the first person you thought of when you woke up?
This is also a secret
What is your salad dressing of choice?
I dont long as it is nice =p
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
Coffee Beans
What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?
Mc Donald's
What are your pizza toppings of choice?
What do you like to put on your toast?
How many computers / televisions set are there in your house?
2 TV, 1 comp n 1 laptop
What colour cell phone do you have?
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Left ^^
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
nope...ummm...i dunno
What is the last heavy item you lifted?
My school bag
Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?. I can plan what should I do before I
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Panda? Jessica? Bunny?
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
No way...
How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
none...sad isnt it?
Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
Last person you talked to?
My friend, Donaven Lim
Last person you hugged? dad?
Summer!! ^^
I prefer going to school xD
Day of the week?
Everyday except weekend
March and December
Missing someone?
Yea :p
If now...okok lah...but during school days...HAPPY!!!
What are you listening to?
My 5 years old cousin want some more IKO biscuits
Computer screen?
Worrying about?
Am I going back to art stream? Am I going to fail a lot of subjects?
First place you went this morning?
Vern Kit's house...
How many computers / televisions set are there in your house?
2 TV, 1 comp n 1 laptop
What colour cell phone do you have?
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Left ^^
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
nope...ummm...i dunno
What is the last heavy item you lifted?
My school bag
Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?. I can plan what should I do before I
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Panda? Jessica? Bunny?
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
No way...
How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
none...sad isnt it?
Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
Last person you talked to?
My friend, Donaven Lim
Last person you hugged? dad?
Summer!! ^^
I prefer going to school xD
Day of the week?
Everyday except weekend
March and December
Missing someone?
Yea :p
If now...okok lah...but during school days...HAPPY!!!
What are you listening to?
My 5 years old cousin want some more IKO biscuits
Computer screen?
Worrying about?
Am I going back to art stream? Am I going to fail a lot of subjects?
First place you went this morning?
Vern Kit's house...
What's the last movie you saw in cinema?
I forgot but I remember is with Yon Sheng, VCherng, Dhiran, Dhivya, Wei Shan & Ruorong
Do you smile often?
Yeap. Even without any reasons... lol :p
Not really. I always got miss call. I dunno why whenever Chris call, I left my phone else where...sad...
2) It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Mariko asking me to borrow her pjk pants???
3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
Purple or blue...^^ both are my favourite colour
4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
Umm...I dunno...Sonic? I only know Sonic and the Hedgedog
5) Do you own a digital camera?
Yea. I like it a lot but dun really use it.
6) Have you ever had a pet fish?
7) Favorite Christmas song?
All. Since all is nice. I think I like Silent night
8) What's on your wish list for your birthday?
Shhh....!!!! Secret
9) Can you do push ups?
Yeap. Basketball sometimes need to do, girls dun do that often also actually
10) Can you do a chin up?
Chin up? If it means by lifing our chin up, everyone can rite?
11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
Depress. Bcos I dun wan to grow up so fast!!! How I wish I'll stay in F4 forever.
12) Do you have any saved texts?
Yea. They are important. :)
13) Ever been in a car wreck?
Nope. And I never want to try 1
14) Do you have an accent?
I dun think so....
15) What is the last song to make you cry?
umm...I think is Lee Hom songs- Forever love...but that was so long ago
16) Plans tonight?
Planning about how am I going to finish up all my hw tomorrow...2moro morning 6 I have to pray 4 my grandfather who passed away last year on November too...
17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
What's that?
18) Name 3 things you bought in the last week
food from canteen? last week rite? If this week I only rent a costume 4 IU Day with Deborah, Sying, Chris & Jon Lee
19) Have you ever been given roses?
Nope. I dun reali like flowers either.
20) Current worry?
BM Oral. School hw. Oh...and my earphones which left in Donaven's hse....I need it!!!
21) Current hate right now?
School holiday hw
22) Met someone who changed your life?
23) How did you bring in the New Year!
Sad. Bcos grandfather pass away & we cant celebrate. But happy to see my cousins in Penang.
24) What song represents you?
Fahrenheit- Wei Ni Chun Zai & Lee Hom- Xin Tiao
25) Name three people who might complete this?
Win Nie, Xi-Zhe and someone.
26) What were you doing at 12 AM last night
Reading story book
27) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Oh NO!! Tuition!!!!
28) Who was the first person you thought of when you woke up?
This is also a secret
You Tag (5 person):
a.Min Yi
b.Sin Ying
c.Wee Cherng
e. Ruorong
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
01. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
Yea. Of cos
02. Do you enjoy going to school?
Very enjoy!! I almost dun wan to stay at home >.<
03. What is the reason behind your profile song?
huh? I dun hav 1
04. What was the worst idea you've had in this week?
Skipping all my tuitions!!! XD
05. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
06. Who always make you laugh?
07. Who do you choose to die with?
Ummm...I die myself better. Wat 4 u drag ppl down worh??
08. What are you doing at 10.00 am today?
Still sleeping Zzz...
09. What are you doing last night at 11 pm?
Watching Hong Kong Movie
10. What time did you go to bed last night?
12 smthg
11. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
Me myself
12. Believe in fate/destiny?
Depends...I guess
13. What do you want in your life right now?
Happiness and love (I have alr so how?)
14. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
I will prefer walking under the rain
15. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?
16.What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
Hmm...I forgot...I dun really read my inbox too ^^
17. Are you currently happy?
Okok lah...
18. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
19. Do you have a crush on anyone?
20. Would you fall in love with a guy younger than you?
It depends...but most likely, no
21. Will you fall in love with the best friend of the opposite sex?
22. If the person you secretly like turns out to be a gay, what would you do?
Wow! crazy man....How would I know? Wish him mayb =p
23. Who was the last person to hug you?
Im sensitive...dun reali hug ppl and always reject...mayb my dad...^^
24. Who are you missing right now?
25. If you have to choose between friend and love,who will you choose?
Depends. Again
26. What do you do when you're moody?
Listen to music and think a lot
27. If today is the last day of your life,what will you do?
They everyone I love that I love them
28. What is your goal for this year
Dont go back to art stream
29. Who is the person you trust the most?
30. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Yea, of cos
31. Who cares for you most?
My parents and my lil bro
32. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?
Make them cares for me again
33. Do you have secrets?
Tons of
34. Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
At home I guess
35. Can you handle the truth?
36. Are you closer to your mother or father?
37. When did you last cry?
In school
38. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Dunno leh...hehex
39. Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
40. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
I dun noe
41. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Not reali...other than my mum dun let me go out on Friday wif Min Yi they all
42. If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
Most likely my lil bro...and friends
Yea. Of cos
02. Do you enjoy going to school?
Very enjoy!! I almost dun wan to stay at home >.<
03. What is the reason behind your profile song?
huh? I dun hav 1
04. What was the worst idea you've had in this week?
Skipping all my tuitions!!! XD
05. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
06. Who always make you laugh?
07. Who do you choose to die with?
Ummm...I die myself better. Wat 4 u drag ppl down worh??
08. What are you doing at 10.00 am today?
Still sleeping Zzz...
09. What are you doing last night at 11 pm?
Watching Hong Kong Movie
10. What time did you go to bed last night?
12 smthg
11. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
Me myself
12. Believe in fate/destiny?
Depends...I guess
13. What do you want in your life right now?
Happiness and love (I have alr so how?)
14. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
I will prefer walking under the rain
15. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?
16.What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
Hmm...I forgot...I dun really read my inbox too ^^
17. Are you currently happy?
Okok lah...
18. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
19. Do you have a crush on anyone?
20. Would you fall in love with a guy younger than you?
It depends...but most likely, no
21. Will you fall in love with the best friend of the opposite sex?
22. If the person you secretly like turns out to be a gay, what would you do?
Wow! crazy man....How would I know? Wish him mayb =p
23. Who was the last person to hug you?
Im sensitive...dun reali hug ppl and always reject...mayb my dad...^^
24. Who are you missing right now?
25. If you have to choose between friend and love,who will you choose?
Depends. Again
26. What do you do when you're moody?
Listen to music and think a lot
27. If today is the last day of your life,what will you do?
They everyone I love that I love them
28. What is your goal for this year
Dont go back to art stream
29. Who is the person you trust the most?
30. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Yea, of cos
31. Who cares for you most?
My parents and my lil bro
32. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?
Make them cares for me again
33. Do you have secrets?
Tons of
34. Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
At home I guess
35. Can you handle the truth?
36. Are you closer to your mother or father?
37. When did you last cry?
In school
38. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Dunno leh...hehex
39. Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
40. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
I dun noe
41. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Not reali...other than my mum dun let me go out on Friday wif Min Yi they all
42. If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
Most likely my lil bro...and friends
Monday, March 16, 2009
Due date
Today is the due date for the IU Day summarised info.
I last minute ^^
Now only Im doing it....summarising
Got so many info to 20 pages of info....somemore all is history
Hope for miracle that suddenly everything was summarised without me doing it...
Actually not that bad lah...
I quite enjoying doing it....Im crazy rite ? I know...I know....
The history is not that bad...quite ^^ =p
Hui Ee didnt online until now
We suppose to sent it to her when she online
But she didnt...haha..
I guess she forgot about it
or maybe she will online late night..
Gotta continue summarising...
Must finish it before she online >.<
Hey, anyone realize I post more post in this acc more than last time one...hehex X)
Maybe because I like this full of my favourute colour acc more than the last time one XD
Posted on
16 March 2009
I last minute ^^
Now only Im doing it....summarising
Got so many info to 20 pages of info....somemore all is history
Hope for miracle that suddenly everything was summarised without me doing it...
Actually not that bad lah...
I quite enjoying doing it....Im crazy rite ? I know...I know....
The history is not that bad...quite ^^ =p
Hui Ee didnt online until now
We suppose to sent it to her when she online
But she didnt...haha..
I guess she forgot about it
or maybe she will online late night..
Gotta continue summarising...
Must finish it before she online >.<
Hey, anyone realize I post more post in this acc more than last time one...hehex X)
Maybe because I like this full of my favourute colour acc more than the last time one XD
Posted on
16 March 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Dont know what is wrong with me
I dreamt about the same person continuously for 2 days alr...
In the same dream (one of it) got Peggy some a lot more person but 4got...
Sigh* maybe I love the school too much...
I want to stay in Form 4 FOREVER!!!!!
I dreamt about the same person continuously for 2 days alr...
In the same dream (one of it) got Peggy some a lot more person but 4got...
Sigh* maybe I love the school too much...
I want to stay in Form 4 FOREVER!!!!!
First term exam is OVER!!!
Yay!!!! ^^ >.<
First term exam over already!!!
OMG0sh...sure got a lot fail one....haiz...i didnt study.....
Scared that im going back to art stream....
I dont want to leave 4W...
I love the class
Even thought I didnt play bball or run before an during the exam week, my leg still sometimes suddenly pain...I didnt go like....Ouch! me...I just kept dont like to let people people think that im such a weak practice again!!!!
Bball again!!! Yay!!! lol
I cant wait to go to CF camp. I wanted to go since Form 2 mum dont let me go...sigh*
But now can alr!!!! Yay!!! I must not miss it!!!
IU Day is also coming alr. I got a stack (not really that much) of info. to summaries....haiz...due 2moro!!!! OMGosh...I havent even start yet!!!
So many holiday homework!
What's wrong with the school?! Holiday suppose to let us relax a bit....but even MORAL got homework!!!??? This is crazy....haiz...what to do? This is a part of life rite? lol ^^
People who got facebook (ppl who dun hav go creat one) MUST play pet society!!! Its like a neighbourhood where all your friends live around!!! Thats what I hope for, I really wish everyone in Methodist can live together in a same neighbourhood. The pet society fullfill my wish!!! But my dream cant be fullfill if not all my friends must play pet society!!!
Posted on,
15 March 2009 3:30pm
First term exam over already!!!
OMG0sh...sure got a lot fail one....haiz...i didnt study.....
Scared that im going back to art stream....
I dont want to leave 4W...
I love the class
Even thought I didnt play bball or run before an during the exam week, my leg still sometimes suddenly pain...I didnt go like....Ouch! me...I just kept dont like to let people people think that im such a weak practice again!!!!
Bball again!!! Yay!!! lol
I cant wait to go to CF camp. I wanted to go since Form 2 mum dont let me go...sigh*
But now can alr!!!! Yay!!! I must not miss it!!!
IU Day is also coming alr. I got a stack (not really that much) of info. to summaries....haiz...due 2moro!!!! OMGosh...I havent even start yet!!!
So many holiday homework!
What's wrong with the school?! Holiday suppose to let us relax a bit....but even MORAL got homework!!!??? This is crazy....haiz...what to do? This is a part of life rite? lol ^^
People who got facebook (ppl who dun hav go creat one) MUST play pet society!!! Its like a neighbourhood where all your friends live around!!! Thats what I hope for, I really wish everyone in Methodist can live together in a same neighbourhood. The pet society fullfill my wish!!! But my dream cant be fullfill if not all my friends must play pet society!!!
Posted on,
15 March 2009 3:30pm
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